100 têtes

Those who know me, know of a small problem I face. It’s not the worst thing in the world, I'm not on fire. Others have far worse things to deal with, I only have a stutter. I've never spoken about it explicitly, maybe that’s because I’d hoped that when I was a grown-up, I wouldn’t have one. Truth be told, I’ve lived in mortal dread of meeting new people, for as long as I can remember. Telephones for the longest time were my Kryptonite. But there are some interesting angles to having a stutter. People think I’ve forgotten their names all the time, or sometimes, my own. It works efficiently when I’m trying to avoid certain situations at a gathering, but not really when I want to introduce myself and initiate a conversation with someone. People think I’m either conceited, awkward or high all the time :D #100tetes is not a project, but a practice of speech with illustration, where I'm speaking with people I’ve never met before, hoping they enjoy a light conversation (I try keeping my pauses short), as much as an illustration I would make of them, for them to keep.

Swami And His Idli Army Never have I seen a person fly through their breakfast as quick as Venugopalan. Thankfully he had a few minutes to spare for a conversation over filter kaapi. From dramatisation of South Indian political posters to obsession with bling on state transport vehicles, our conversation was short but provided insights on the deep-rooted influence of cinema in lives of people from the region. P.S. Eight idlis and accompanying condiments disappeared from his banana leaf in under fifteen seconds. A feat which resembled a synchronised dance move. #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #coimbatore #india #swamionthemove

Swami And His Idli Army Never have I seen a person fly through their breakfast as quick as Venugopalan. Thankfully he had a few minutes to spare for a conversation over filter kaapi. From dramatisation of South Indian political posters to obsession with bling on state transport vehicles, our conversation was short but provided insights on the deep-rooted influence of cinema in lives of people from the region. P.S. Eight idlis and accompanying condiments disappeared from his banana leaf in under fifteen seconds. A feat which resembled a synchronised dance move.

 #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #coimbatore #india #swamionthemove

X-Wingardium Leviosa The sun has set upon the republic, and the Dark Lord has reigned supreme. Only a few scattered Jedi remain, struggling to keep up with the ways of the dark arts. But within this turmoil, a force calls out to a young Gryffindor. The chosen one, destined to bring back balance in the universe.@adhira_a #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #lumos #starwars #harrypotter #jedi #sith #gryffindor #darklord #wingardiumleviosa #magic #force #xwing

X-Wingardium Leviosa The sun has set upon the republic, and the Dark Lord has reigned supreme. Only a few scattered Jedi remain, struggling to keep up with the ways of the dark arts. But within this turmoil, a force calls out to a young Gryffindor. The chosen one, destined to bring back balance in the universe.

@adhira_a #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #lumos #starwars #harrypotter #jedi #sith #gryffindor #darklord #wingardiumleviosa #magic #force #xwing

Speaking through celluloid @anupattnaik could be found in the desert holding a gun, on a tree taming a cat or on the beach battling a wave. Surprisingly each of these lend her a ear as she captures them magnificently in their element on camera. An engineer by accident, photographer by choice and film director-in-the-making, she would trade it all for a cup of tea at a place she calls home. #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #photographer #film #director #dop #cinema #camera #stills #movies #35mm

Speaking through celluloid @anupattnaik could be found in the desert holding a gun, on a tree taming a cat or on the beach battling a wave. Surprisingly each of these lend her a ear as she captures them magnificently in their element on camera. An engineer by accident, photographer by choice and film director-in-the-making, she would trade it all for a cup of tea at a place she calls home.

 #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #photographer #film #director #dop #cinema #camera #stills #movies #35mm

Nutellate > Joggers When not zipping across continents, @bhairavi123 can be found in a quiet corner at @suzettemumbai, melting away in a cup of hot chocolate, writing in her little journal about how she skipped her run only to be drawn-in-the-act by a bespectacled serial doodler.#100têtes #100tetes #illustration #linkedin #nutella #joggerspark #decisionsdecisions #mumbai

Nutellate > Joggers When not zipping across continents, @bhairavi123 can be found in a quiet corner at @suzettemumbai, melting away in a cup of hot chocolate, writing in her little journal about how she skipped her run only to be drawn-in-the-act by a bespectacled serial doodler.

#100têtes #100tetes #illustration #linkedin #nutella #joggerspark #decisionsdecisions #mumbai

Mighty pen, sometimes mightier sword A journalist with a leading daily in Mumbai, @sanyukta_iyer met me on her return from one of her murky battles in showbiz. For someone who would otherwise come across as both exuberant and also nonchalant, she could have easily traded her pen for a sword that evening and destroyed the glitzy facade that is showbiz, and a few who hide under it. We never got down to inking a deal to our future bestseller, but truly hoped a few monsters would be devoured, thus lending inspiration to a prologue. #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #journalist #news #showbiz #stories #movies #film #behindthescenes #mumbai #headlines #publishing #pen #sword

Mighty pen, sometimes mightier sword A journalist with a leading daily in Mumbai, @sanyukta_iyer met me on her return from one of her murky battles in showbiz. For someone who would otherwise come across as both exuberant and also nonchalant, she could have easily traded her pen for a sword that evening and destroyed the glitzy facade that is showbiz, and a few who hide under it. We never got down to inking a deal to our future bestseller, but truly hoped a few monsters would be devoured, thus lending inspiration to a prologue.

 #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #journalist #news #showbiz #stories #movies #film #behindthescenes #mumbai #headlines #publishing #pen #sword

The many faces of Vivek Parasuram Engineer in the 80s, first class cricket in the 90s. Now creating design systems for startups while constantly polishing his act of mimesis on the side.#100têtes #100tetes #illustration #bangalore #india #mime #acting #play#theatre #engineer #cricket #golf #fitness #startup

The many faces of Vivek Parasuram Engineer in the 80s, first class cricket in the 90s. Now creating design systems for startups while constantly polishing his act of mimesis on the side.

#100têtes #100tetes #illustration #bangalore #india #mime #acting #play#theatre #engineer #cricket #golf #fitness #startup

Reporting at your service, from an out-of-service elevator Enes is a service designer in the luxury and hospitality industry. I ran into him at a networking event but only managed to have a chat on our way out, in an elevator, out of social awkwardness. Elevator conversations can be intimidating, but i’m glad I initiated our chat, which continued in the lobby for more time than I had expected Fun fact: For the first time in years, I was absolutely fluent in my introductions. Kunal - 1 Elevators - 0 #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #servicedesign #designthinking #elevator #conversation

Reporting at your service, from an out-of-service elevator Enes is a service designer in the luxury and hospitality industry. I ran into him at a networking event but only managed to have a chat on our way out, in an elevator, out of social awkwardness. Elevator conversations can be intimidating, but i’m glad I initiated our chat, which continued in the lobby for more time than I had expected Fun fact: For the first time in years, I was absolutely fluent in my introductions. Kunal - 1 Elevators - 0

 #100têtes #100tetes #illustration #servicedesign #designthinking #elevator #conversation

